My Account


Enjoy Your Guitar School Discovery Tour!

Watch the video to learn about all the great new features here within Your Guitar School.

Learn how to get the most out of your new courses and discover how we can all have fun together as a community within the groups to really accelerate our goals and achieve all our dreams playing the guitar!

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NEW at YGS… You Now Receive Player Points!

Anytime you complete a guitar topic, lesson, course or even add a comment to the YGS community or lesson. You will be awarded players points! Why are player points so cool? When you login the your Members Area you will find your player points achievements and the YGS Leaderboard. Anytime you complete any of the above your player points will accumulate sending you up the YGS Leaderboard. This will encourage us all to login and accelerate our guitar goals by contributing ideas, encouraging other members and most importantly to complete our new topics, lessons, tasks and courses!

Your Achievements…

YGS Leaderboard…

User Badges Earned

Important Note: If you are unable to see the side menu or having trouble accessing your course, check to see if you are logged in by following the video instruction above or contact me by clicking the “Contact” link on the right side of the top main menu.

Your Payment Information…

Below you will find your payment information and can also be used to cancel your subscription or update your credit card info.
